Webshop & Marketplace
We make your products available online and
reach completely new target groups
Shop (as-a-service)
Would you like to sell your products through your own online shop or switch to a new shop system (e.g. #from Magento to Shopware) ? We can create your online shop with #Shopify or #Shopware and produce an incomparable shopping experience for your customers. Our design is modern and based on your brand and user. We are also happy to assist you with the creation of high-quality product texts.
#Shop costs : You don't want to burden yourself with investing in your own software? No problem: You can rent your shop "As-a-Service" from us.
Integration of online marketplaces
Increase your sales through a multi-channel approach. We take over the integration of your products in e-commerce portals such as Amazon, Otto, Ebay and others with fitting #marketplace connectors. We take care of both the technical implementation of the product integration and the marketing of your products via appropriate marketplaces. Benefit from our many years of experience and expertise in portal integration and maximize your success by selling your products on the most successful eCommerce portals in Germany.
Online marketing
Our marketplace experts regularly run product campaigns to make your products even more visible and to win new customers in your target markets. If you also want to implement SEO measures or want to run SEM and social media campaigns, we will coordinate all processes for you. You need to worry about anything.