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Corporate Social Responsibility

Internationality | Sustainability | Diversity | Innovation | Economic Growth


Social responsibility concerns all of us


Blauband advocates service provision without borders! Our operations have reached approx. 25 countries within Europe, North & Central America, Southeast Asia and North Africa.

Environmental Sustainability

Blauband fosters environmentally friendly actions; seeks partnerships with pro-environment partners; ensures a paperless office.


Blauband ensures to maintain a multicultural and gender-balanced work environment.


Innovation is one of our key business-drivers! Blauband is technology oriented, multi-service driven and open for sustainable innovative services.

Economic Growth

Blauband also aims to foster market competition, B2B partnerships as well as service provision based on comparative advantage; key elements to promote economic growth.

A selection of our social projects

Blauband supports initiatives from other institutions. #Startsocial - a nationwide competition to promote voluntary social engagement - awards scholarships to social initiatives each year under the motto "Help for Helpers".

Blauband’s team has assisted a number of initiatives in the competition process. Four of the funded initiatives were honored - Carmina Burana (2009), Freizeit Helden (2011), Charity Walk & Run (2012) and Rockerpension (2013).


Blauband does not only function as a project-driver but also as a bridge to connect people and social institutions/organizations. Felix Schaub, student assistant at Blauband, has participated in Lo Tuyo's social project in Panama for 5 months after his graduation in 2018.

The association Lo Tuyo e.V. is a non-profit organization that supports environmental education and stimulates sustainable land use in Panama.
The founders of Blauband and Lotuyo know each other since school.

Felix describes Blauband’s role as crucial for his semester abroad in Panama.

blauband in Zahlen – Länder, Retouren, Sendungen

Vision & Mission


Further participation & inclusion into social-oriented projects


Foster SME-to-SME partnerships (incl. the developing world)


Service implementation through tech-financial intermediaries


Provide tech-oriented coaching / mentoring for SMEs in disadvantaged situations


Support fundraising campaigns

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